About Us

What's in a name?

Avicenna (Ibn Sina) and was a Persian philosopher, physician, and polymath, born in the year 980. He was regarded as one of the greatest physicians and writers of his time and the father of early modern medicine

His most famous works are The Book of Healing, a philosophical and scientific encyclopaedia, and The Canon of Medicine, which became a standard medical text across the world for many centuries. It remained in use until as late as 1650 and was still being printed as recently as 1973. His forward thinking, compassionate outlook is something we take inspiration from and we hope that these values filter through to the top-quality service that we offer our customers today.

Our Roots

Although many of our pharmacies date back over a hundred years, Avicenna was formed as a collective in 1992. It has now grown to include 135 of our own managed stores and a network of support to over 1000 independently owned pharmacies across the country.

Our pharmacies dispense far more than just medicines. It is not unusual for our staff to know customers by name and for them to go out of their way to help them. We help not just with medicines but with health and lifestyle advice, always being there to support those with acute or long-term conditions alike.

Our Guiding Values

Fanatical About Local - One size does not fit all. We insist on seeking out what makes each community unique to meet their needs

Customers First -We will go out of our way to make our customers happy

Technology Empowered - We will drive progressive technological solutions

Green - We are environmentally committed and strive to protect the environment


In June 2020, as the country emerged from Coronavirus lockdown, demand for mental health support was at a high. Unfortunately, many sources of charity funding had all but ground to a halt. To help, Avicenna partnered with Mind to create our Moving Miles for Mind fundraising campaign.

Amazingly, the team smashed our collective goal, clocking up over 15,000 miles of running, walking and cycling and meeting our target of raising £10,000 to help those most in need of help.