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Why get a flu jab?
The flu vaccine is the most effective way of preventing seasonal flu, therefore reducing your chance of needing to access other NHS services this winter. Flu is a contagious viral disease that can spread by coughing, sneezing, or touching contaminated surfaces or people. The impact of COVID-19 has been visible to all of us and we may be faced with the combined risk of COVID-19 and flu this coming winter. Therefore stay healthy and protect your friends, family, and work colleagues by getting vaccinated. One of our fully trained pharmacists will carry out a consultation to ensure that the flu jab is safe and appropriate for you.
We can offer Free NHS Flu Vaccinations to the following patient groups
- Age 65+
- Pregnant women
- Those with diabetes or asthma
- Patients with lung, heart, kidney or liver diseases
- Those with a weakened immune system (or live with someone who has)
- Are in long-stay residential care home
- Are a carer (i.e. receiving carers allowance, or be the main carer for someone elderly or disabled, or a front line health and social care worker
Private Flu Vaccinations
Your local Avicenna Pharmacy also offers a Private flu vaccination service which is competitively priced at £15. You will be able to protect yourself and your loved ones with the private flu jab services if you do not qualify for the free NHS flu jab services. Please ask your local pharmacy for more details.
*Eligibility and criteria for free flu vaccination is in line with NHS Flu Service Specification.